Set Your Course: Finding the Right Review Plan

8/2/2017 - By Tabitha Cook

You are working on your education requirements, have applied to your state board, and are waiting for your application to be reviewed. What’s next? Wherever you are in the journey to become a Certified Public Accountant, it is never too early to start considering what review course may work for you, fit your budget, and match your study style. 

As you weigh your options, a few questions you may be considering are, “Can I get a scholarship?”, “Is financing available?” and “Is it worth the price?” There are several options to make purchasing a review course affordable, but I cannot stress enough how crucial it is to invest in a course that will get you through these exams as soon as possible, for both your sanity and career advancement. Finding the right review course will help to set you up for success.

Choosing a Course

A good review course can be a significant investment, so it is important to take the time to do your research on what course will work best for you. I personally applied for and received a scholarship for the Roger CPA Review Course and found that this course, supplemented with the Roger Cram Course used for final review, gave me a perfectly planned study guide to prepare for the CPA exams. 

Since every person is different in how they study and retain information, take time and evaluate your top criteria for personal success. For many, price is an overriding piece of that decision. While it is important that you place the right amount of value on a course that will get you through the exams as soon as possible, it may not be in your budget to go with the biggest package or the most popular (and thus costlier) review course. There are quite a few quality review courses of varying price points and financing options that are available. Several of the top courses, and what they are known for, are as follows:

  • Roger CPA Review – Engaging lectures
  • Wiley CPA Excel – Short, straight-to-the point lessons
  • Surgent CPA Review - Helpful instructors and a scoring based review focus
  • Gleim CPA Review – All-inclusive topical coverage

Studying your Course

Once you have picked a course, how do you study? Awareness, expectation, and communication are key to making study time happen.  Create a timeline to schedule when you will sit for each part of the exam.  After you have received approval by your state board, go ahead and apply for your notice to schedule (NTS) for the exams you plan to take in the next six months (Florida) and schedule your test day at a Prometric testing center as soon as possible. Doing so will hold you accountable for getting through the required study materials by your established test date.

The CPA exam tests on a vast amount of material in each part. It is crucial that you not only cover all required material, but that you also do so in a period that makes sense for passing all parts in the 18 month (current) rolling window. Allow yourself time to breathe between exams, but make sure you are ready to go all-in when you start studying. Passing this exam will open doors for you professionally, whether it be your first job in accounting or advancement with your current employer. Perform your research, create a plan, and get started on this new and exciting journey to become a CPA.

IF YOU STUDY, YOU WILL PASS! – Roger Phillips 

Helpful Resources

CPA Review Materials Comparison

Scholarship Application Links – check in periodically for next window to apply

UWorld Roger CPA Review

Becker CPA Review

Surgent CPA Review

Wiley CPA Review

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