12/15/2021 - By Andrew Kent, Esq., CVA, CHC
On Tuesday, December 14th, HRSA announced the release of $9 billion in Phase IV Provider Relief Fund Payments. More than 69,000 providers are included in this round of Phase IV payments, and payments are scheduled to start on December 16th, 2021.
As of December 15th, HRSA’s website indicated that approximately 75% of Phase IV payment applications have been processed. HRSA has indicated that the remaining Phase IV applications are under review and that the remainder of Phase IV payments will be made sometime in 2022.
Providers should note that these payments are separate from, and in addition to, the $8.5 billion in American Rescue Plan Rural payments announced in November. According to HRSA, as of December 15th, approximately 96% of Rural payment applications have been processed.
Within 90 days of receiving a payment, providers should re-enter the Provider Relief Fund Application and Attestation Portal to confirm receipt and agree to the applicable Terms and Conditions. Providers wishing to reject the funds should complete the attestation indicating that the funds will be rejected, and then return the funds within 15 days.
If you have any questions about your Phase IV Provider Relief Fund, ARP Rural payments, or the reporting requirements for Phase I – III payments, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of our Healthcare team here at Saltmarsh.