Interim Rate Adjustments for Skilled Nursing Facilities after Irma

10/2/2017 - By Claudia Reingruber, CPA

Will you be getting a bump in your SNF Medicaid rate to cover ....

  • Emergency related costs incurred through preparation for the anticipated arrival of Hurricane Irma?
  • Costs incurred to recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Irma on your facility?

Medicaid interim rate requests must be submitted within 60 days after the expenses are incurred, or they will be denied.

Be sure you evaluate any additional costs incurred in your SNF in connection with Hurricane Irma to determine if you qualify for an interim rate adjustment!

The Reingruber Division at Saltmarsh can help you:

  • Identify the costs incurred to prepare for and recover from Hurricane Irma;
  • Determine if you qualify for a Medicaid interim rate;
  • Prepare your Medicaid interim rate request and supporting documentation; and
  • Establish accounting practices to identify and support interim rate expenditures for cost settlement purposes.


If you have questions about the information in this ALERT, please don't hesitate to reach out to a member of our Healthcare team.

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